Central Texas School Board Association
Standing For Education:
Defending Their Future.
Our goal is to find commonalities of the issues facing our diverse region of trustees, communicate with legislators on issues concerning public education, and provide continuing education credit for school board members in attendance.
Our Texas education system is intended to prepare students for their future by providing them with the skills, knowledge, and experiences needed to succeed. Our priority is ensuring that students have access to excellent teachers and facilities and are fully funded.
Creating Community of School Board Trustees
CTBSA meetings are an excellent opportunity to not only meet and discuss a wide array of programs impacting public education but to network with fellow trustees in Region 13.
Advocating at the State Capitol
All school board trustees can agree on the importance of providing a quality education for their students and advocating for them every step of the way. Central Texas School Board Association (CTSBA) serves public education districts located within Region 13, meeting with legislatures and TASB to discuss the issues and recommend solutions that will impact the Central Texas Schools.
Monthly Meetings
CTSBA meets monthly and is a great opportunity for members to not only network with other local trustees but a way to become a champion for their students at the legislative level.
“All school board trustees can agree on the importance of providing a quality education for their students and advocating for them every step of the way. Central Texas School Board Association (CTSBA) serves public education districts located within Region 13, meeting with legislatures and TASB to discuss the issues and recommend solutions that will impact the Central Texas Schools.

Join CTSBA for our next meeting
President - Trish Bode
Secretary - Heather Sheffield